What is homeopathy?
The name comes from Greek and means similar (homoios) suffering (pathos) and is a therapy method developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1790. The method is based on the law of similars - like cures like (similia similibus curentur). In other words, a substance in very minute amounts can stimulate the organism to cure the same symptoms, that the same substance would cause in larger amounts.
Therapy session
In the first consultation, I will take an anamnesis (medical history) to find the totality of your characteristic symptoms, dispositions and personality which will be the foundation for the choice of the remedy. That means that I do not treat your diagnosis, but you nas a whole person with all your individual expression of symptoms and personal history.
After the homeopathic remedy has been chosen, it will be sent to you. After 2-3 weeks (depends on the individual case and can be shorter or longer) there will be a follow up (can typically be on the phone). How many follow ups are necessary is very different, depending on various factors (type of problem, sensitivity, etc.)
My background
2003 – 2007:
Education at Skolen for Klassisk Homøopati
Courses at the International School of Classical Homeopathy i Belgium
Since 2011:
Webinars and live cases at the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy
Price: 1000 kr. (including minimum 2 hours consultation and the remedy )
Homeopathic remedy
The remedy is manufactured from substances from the animal kingdom (bee venom, ink from a cuttle fish, etc.), plant kingdom (flowers, trees, etc.), and the mineral kingdom (salts, precious metal, etc.).
Substances are purified, and toxic side effects are removed, and the unique healing properties are evoked and intensified.
This happens in different strength (potency), which is used according to the clients individual need and sensitivity.
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